Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jamahiriya Renaissance

Kadhafi: Ministries Abolished, Oil Revenues to be Distributed to Libyans
Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News Monday, March 03, 2008 but the biggest news on Libya this year

Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi has ordered the abolishment of most of the government ministries and handing over their powers to the people. "For years, Libyans have been unhappy with the workings of their country's ministries which have been transformed into a labyrinthine bureaucracy in which corruption and maladministration reign," Kadhafi told Libya's parliament late on Sunday.

"Apart from the main departments of defence, internal security and foreign affairs and those responsible for strategic projects like the Great Man-Made River and airport and road construction," state ministries will be "abolished" the Libyan leader said, according to AFP. The 37-billion-dollar a year budget allocated to the ministries should instead "be shared among the people so that they can manage their affairs themselves," Kadhafi told the session of the General People's Congress in the coastal city of Sirte.

According to him, the cabinet is not needed as it had failed to manage the country's huge oil earnings. He stressed big projects were behind schedule and so ordinary people should themselves devise a new way of sharing out oil revenues. "All citizens have the right to benefit from the oil funds. They should take the money and do whatever they want with it," he said, according to Reuters.

"Projects in several sectors are pending. This is a proof that the committees have failed. It's a failure. The administration has failed. The committees have failed in everything. They could not even train good artists and singers." "These committees will be replaced spontaneously by real committees to be created everywhere by citizens. Citizens will get part of the oil revenue directly. They don't need intermediaries," he said.

Find the full text here.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

26th July - 55 years of an alternative

FIFTY-FIVE years is a short period of time in the life of a nation, but sufficient to confirm that the 26th of July marked the beginning of a new era in Cuban history.

In his key speech at the commemorative event for the 20th anniversary, likewise in Santiago de Cuba, Fidel recalled these memorable lines of poetry by the outstanding communist leader and notable intellectual, Rubén Martínez Villena:

"We need a charge to kill rogues,

To complete the work of revolutions,

To avenge the dead who are suffering outrage,

To clean the tenacious scab of colonialism,

To not render useless, in a humiliating fate,

The effort and the hunger, and the wound and death;

So that the Republic maintains its own self,

To make real the marble dream of Martí;

So that our children do not beg on their knees,

For the homeland that their fathers won for them on their feet."

And he concluded his speech by saying:

"Rubén: the 26th of July was the charge that you called for."

We Cubans have confronted many difficulties and difficult moments since that memorable event of 1973. Only our people’s profound convictions and steadfast will to resist and overcome have made it possible to celebrate with pride and optimism this new anniversary.
Granma daily took the welcome initiative of recently reproducing, in 15 parts, that same speech. That makes it unnecessary for us to refer to the antecedents, causes, conditions and consequences of the assault on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Garrisons, as set out by the leader of the Revolution that day in an unrepeatable synthesis.
In addition to being a sound analysis of the past and present at that time, that speech constitutes an accurate and precise evaluation of the harsh realities in store for the future and ways of confronting them.

One day like today, in 1973, Fidel affirmed that the only salvation for the Latin American peoples was to unite and liberate themselves from imperialist domination, as only in that way would they succeed in occupying a place among the great human communities.

And, referring to our region, he added the following:

"Only this will give us the strength to confront the gigantic alimentation, economic, social and human problems of a population that will grow to 600 million in 25 years’ time. Only this will make possible our participation in the science and technology revolution that will constitute life in the future. Only this will make us free."
He went on to say:
"…the luxury and squander of developed capitalist societies are exhausting natural and non-recoverable reserves like oil, whose price is threatening to rise in an exceptional way." Up to here, his words.

It would seem like he said that today and it was 35 years ago. Not without reason did Abdelazis Bouteflika, a close friend of Cuba and president of our sister country Algeria, say on one occasion:

"We have had the immense privilege of having comrade Fidel as a friend, one who has never failed us. Fidel possesses the rare quality of traveling into the future, coming back and explaining it."

Our battle today is the same as that initiated on the 26th of July

Speech given by General of the Army Raúl Castro Ruz, president of the Councils of State and Ministers, at the central event commemorating the 55th anniversary of the assault on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Garrisons, at the 26th of July Ciudad Escolar, Santiago de Cuba, July 26, 2008. "Year 50 of the Revolution."

The full text can be found at Granma Internacional

Monday, July 21, 2008


malaise (uncountable)

1. A feeling of general bodily discomfort or unpleasantness, often at the onset of illness.
2. An ambiguous feeling of mental or moral depression.


* doldrums
* melancholy
* unease


Wednesday, July 16, 2008


For anyone interested and using MySpace, you can now find my profile there:

Autochthonous Resistance at MySpace

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Orgulhosamente sós


Monday, July 14, 2008

Eternal Returning

Ukrainian National Socialist Falange: Santa Galicia! Cierra Ucrania! Hail Victory! Lightning and Sun!

* PRIMORDIAL TRADITION (Julius Evola, Rene Guenon, Mircea Eliade, Miguel Serrano, Savitri Devi, Hermann Wirth, Knut Hamsun) * REVOLUTIONARY CONSERVATISM (Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, Oswald Spengler, Ernst Niekisch, Ernst Salomon, Ernst Junger, Gregor & Otto Strasser, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, Oswald Mosley, Vidkun Quisling, Stepan Bandera, Dmytro Dontzov)

Thule Sarmatia

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Persönlichkeit II

Die Idee der "freien Entfaltung der Persönlichkeit" scheint ausgezeichnet, solange man nicht auf Individuen stösst, deren Persönlichkeit sich frei entfaltet hat.

(Nicolás Gómez Dávila)

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Die Persönlichkeit entzieht sich der Beurteilung anhand Massstäben des Mittelmasses, das zwischen Masse und Einzelnem den Duktus des Ich-Scheinenwollens vorgibt, um den Nachbarn einzubeziehen in die stümperhafte Dramaturgie, die auf leerer Bühne von Statisten inszeniert wird, zugunsten einer Abgeschiedenheit vom Anderen;... - man mag vom Adel des Alleinseins, der Askese der Einsamkeit sprechen;... - oder vom aristokratischen Individualismus. Egoismus? - nur soweit man sich aus eigenem Antrieb vom Gemeinplatz entfernt.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Queer Nationalism


Word of the Gay: "Queer Nationalism"

Conditioned Response

It is fascinating to see how trained the acquired reflexes are in today's Europe when it comes to establish a border between nationalism and cuddle patriotism.

I had a good laugh on this British Nationalist Party website and their cute banners.

We are a nationalist movement, but we are not... (please insert democrature phrases to order), and we are not even considering any action or thought in opposition to this system. Nationalists are no dogs begging for their stroke or treat. What you might call yourselves is being "patriots", so you don't harm anyone and you can go on daydreaming of your English Rose.

What a disgrace, but every mass society needs their oppositional string puppets.

Swindon Nationalists

Proto-Indo-European – Lingua Franca for the Imperium

Europe is fighting for a common language, and we do not talk about the technocratic Brussels or Stassburg or Luxembourg regime that is in place only to regulate the capital and the interests and wants to formalise and level all peoples and their traditions. A language is the soul of a people, and no universal language set up by liberal dispraisers could ever be the core of a united tradition. However, to research and inspirit a Lingua Franca for Europe and its people, is a task we follow up with all our strength as a foundation of our independent continent.

If Europe had witnessed at some stage during the last couple of centuries the unification of France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Romania and parts of Switzerland and Belgium, perhaps as the result of a successful campaign by Napoleon, then the interesting question arises: which language would the people of the new Mediterranean Imperium have chosen to communicate with each other?

Southern European lingua franca

My guess is that Latin would have soon overcome any rivals – notably French. It is from Latin that all the Romance languages evolved, so none of the participant nations of this hypothetical Napoleonic Imperium need feel slighted by having their language and culture ignored. All are off-spring of the Roman Empire. A stable empire demands a common language, but forcing French as a lingua franca onto the peoples of southern Europe would seem to serve the petty interests of French nationalism, rather than those of a Napoleonic Imperium aiming for centuries-long progress with stability. Additionally, Latin had been the language of the educated classes, of the natural sciences and humanities, throughout Europe for many centuries.

Literary tradition

With the advent of the IMPERIUM during the early 21st Century, a similar problem arises. Which language, out of the proud literary traditions of England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Scandinavia or Russia, will the peoples of Europe decide to use to talk to one another?

Once again, the answer is straightforward: Aryan, or Proto-Indo-European, to give it the polite, if cumbersome, moniker.

On the practicality of such a venture, extensive and plausible reconstructions of the original Aryan language were already available by the middle of the 19th Century, ironically a generation before the abortive liberal experiment of Esperanto. Instead of patching together some artificial language like an intellectual Meccano kit, how much better to take inspiration from the source of all the languages, nations and tribes of Europe: the source of not only our language but our culture, our metaphysics and the very stuff we are made of! All the major tribes and language-groups of Europe (Celts, Germanics, Balts, Slavs, Hellenics and Italics, as well as many beyond) are direct descendants of the Proto-Indo-European ur-speech, so no nation need complain of alienation: instead all will rejoice in their common brotherhood. Necessary new words arising from new technologies can be incorporated into common-language Aryan much as they are today, perhaps even maintaining the Greek/ Latin composite pattern.

Natural language for Europeans

Once a common Aryan language is taught in all our schools across Europe, in addition to the regional or national mother-tongue, we will see two immediate benefits.
The first is practical. For the first time in millennia, the people of Europe will be able to speak to each other with ease. We can expect a corresponding acceleration of our culture, science and economy.

The second advantage is more esoteric, yet more profound, especially for the individual mind. Studying the roots of our own language will give us a deeper understanding of ourselves, as a member of a nation, a tribe (Celtic, Germanic, Slavic etc.) and as part of a potentially eternal race and culture.

Language is deeply implicated in consciousness; our native tongue forms our perception at the same time as exterior reality informs and modifies our language. As well as revealing the deepest strata of the European weltanschauung, study of the original Aryan language will necessarily throw light on significant divergences between one's own native language and the pan-continental speech from which it evolved. For instance: the subsequent development of the future tense in Germanic languages by use of the verb “will”. Not only will Europeans better understand the metaphysical structure of our 10,000+ years of shared culture, as outlined in Georges Dumézil's trifunctional hypothesis, but also the particular viewpoint and contribution summarized in the idiosyncrasies of their own unique mother tongue.

The argument for the original Aryan language as the common language of the future pan-European IMPERIUM is powerful: it will bring to each individual a fuller appreciation through words of both their nation and their race and culture, and their station in the cosmos.

Unfortunately, this extensive blog from Alisdair Clarke has to be unactive since January, but it is still the source of dozens of the best articles you can find on the web:

Aryan Futurism

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Menschlichkeit und Nationalismus

Wir Nationalisten haben Menschlichkeit, die etwas Herrliches ist, unter eigener Lebensgefahr an der Front betätigt. Wir haben die im beschossenen Vorfeld liegenden Kameraden in den Graben zurückgeholt, und gleiches ist uns selber geschehen, und jeder hätte dabei fallen können. Und so war das Schicksal in jenen Tagen, dass es möglich war, einen Kommunisten durch einen Nationalisten und einen Nationalisten durch einen Kommunisten gerettet zu sehen. Es war die Nation, die dies zuwege brachte. Und jene Zeit war eine Zeit der Erfüllung, weil sie eine Zeit des Opfers und der Tat war.
An der Front war Menschlichkeit, die heute Legende ist.

Franz Schauwecker [Standarte. Beiträge zur Vertiefung des Frontgedankens, 1926]

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Deutscher Widerstand ist dort, wo man die Verantwortung dafür trägt, dass dem sozialrevolutionären Einsatz nicht die nationalrevolutionäre Hinterabsicht fehle, dass der Sturz der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft zugleich der Aufbruch der Auferstehung Deutschlands sei.

Ernst Niekisch [Der politische Raum deutschen Widerstandes, 1931]

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Der Übermensch

Ich zeige Euch den Übermenschen. Er ist unmenschlich, denn er hat dem Gotte sich gefügt. Seine Augen erfrischen die ermatteten Landsknechte, die sich an seiner Seite wissen.