Friday, June 19, 2009

Fashionista Revolution

The entire carneval is made up by and for the foreign powers tightening their screws on an independent country that is not interested in belonging to neither side. Personally, I am far away from justifying a theocratic Islamic regime, however the rules they ask for are they rules that are played with.

Most of the signs are in English. "Where is my vote?" - it is with the candidate and party that has not collected enough of these votes to be victorious, that´s the pity with elections, isn´t it. I liked the comparison of disappointed hooligans, because the shootings and aggressions were purely reactions to improper provoking behaviour.

O well, it could have been a global armchair revolution promoted through 140 chars on a shitty, overly hyped website, but there we go with the old fascism/nazism drama again. What a fresh approach! She really must have risked her entire existence printing such a brillant intellectual abstract of the current situation in her suburb appartment...

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